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Training College
024 7663 0790

Welcome to Serene Mind & Body

Online Distance Learning Indian Head Massage Therapist Diploma
This course will not only give you an amazing opportunity to become a Indian Head masseur/masseuse it will also provide you with an in depth knowledge of Anatomy & Physiology via our 64 page Anatomy & Physiology Module.
When you have purchased the course please email us and we will then send you Module 1 by return email.
Module 1 is Anatomy & Physiology. For our insurers benefit you will be expected to study this for a minimum period of 1 month and when you feel ready after this time you can request your questions on the Module.
During this module you will be asked a minimum 60 questions, you can return the answers at your own pace, this will enable us to establish you fully understand the subject.
A 85% pass mark is required for you to move on to the main module which is the course itself.
*Please note that all of the answers will be in the module, there will not be any trick questions.
*There will be a further 40 questions in Module 2 and as before, all of the answers are in the Module and a 85% pass rate is required. You can attempt this as many times as you like until you reach a pass standard.
When completed we ask you to upload a short video of yourself performing a massage. We will give you a link to upload this to. The video must contain your name and identity as proof that it is of you doing the massage. This will be assessed by one of our trainers and graded between A* & D.
The pass grade is C and above. You can attempt this is many times as you like until you reach a pass standard.
Although you can take as long as you want to complete the diploma, the minimum study for you to complete this course would be 10 weeks.
When you have passed the course we will email you a copy of your Diploma or for just £10 extra we will send you one by First Class Mail which includes our Impressive Gold Embossed Seal/Stamp that will look great framed on your wall.
*As with all of our courses, this course is also recognised by Westminster Indemnity Insurance Ltd, and on successful completion you will be able to apply to obtain both public & professional indemnity insurance as a qualified Indian Head Massage Therapist
Module 1: Anatomy & Physiology
The Skin
The Skeleton
Muscular System
Circulatory System
Lymphatic System
Nervous System
64 Pages
Module 2:
Conditions Effecting the Head and Shoulders
Client Consultation
Indian Head Massage Techniques
Full Quick and Easy to Follow Reference Guide
Aftercare Advice
Illustration Guide Throughout
62 Pages
We accept all major credit & debit cards
When you have purchased please email serenemindandbody@gmail.com

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